Welcome to PerformNOW!

This is a new business officially opening Jan 1. 2020. This website is under construction at the moment.

Our mission is to help you level-up.

Wherever you or your business are now in terms of performance, there is always opportunity for growth. It is our job to help you in this journey.

We specialize in retail performance with a focus on home furniture businesses. In this we help clients with all aspects of operational improvements including: financial analysis, selling systems, marketing effectiveness, inventory management, purchasing, warehousing, service, and accounting.

We are continuous improvement practitioners and “Kaizen” facilitators, which means we enable change for the better.

Here is a standard approach we use with clients:

  1. Analyze – Measure current performance and compare with high performing peers.
  2. Prioritize – Spot and select opportunities for improvement.
  3. Actualize – Define and execute actionable processes for growth.
  4. Realize – Monitor improvements, adjust, and realize gains.

Our clients use a variety of products and services to propel their businesses forward including:



CXM (Customer eXperience Management) Software and Solutions

Performance Groups