In quarterly business reviews (QBRs), we meet with clients on an ongoing basis using Zoom technology.  We discuss the current state of their business, review performance data, discuss major initiatives, look at new opportunities, discuss challenges, and plan for improved performance in the future. 

QBR’s are a hybrid-type professional service.  Think of QBRs as part coaching, part mentoring, and part consulting.  Depending on the client’s needs, we may put more or less emphasis on one part and less emphasis, on other parts.   

Through QBR’s we perform a service that compliments your accountants year end tax reporting.  Quaterly Business Reviews give you additional horsepower.  This product includes:  

  • Building, maintaining and updating financial forecasts (Future Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Reports).
  • Analysis of business performance.
  • Review of current financial statements for accuracy during the course of the year.
  • Spotting and advising on opportunities that increase sales, profitability and cash flow.
  • Providing increased understanding of possible tax strategies, well in advance of the year end.